
Poor health is both a cause and an effect of poverty
Our community health workers provide basic healthcare and education for individuals across the country. They go to the neediest areas in India, establishing regional medical clinics to help all in need overcome the barriers of accessibility: we welcome all those who need our help, regardless of their religion, caste, ethnic background, or ability to pay. Each year, using the latest in medical technology, we impact the lives of hundreds of thousands of people through our healthcare services, and offer education and preventative care to entire villages. Individuals who need specific treatment or health testing are helped through our dozens of clinics and medical camps.
People impacted annually through Good Shepherd Healthcare
Patients treated through virtual appointments
Helping people like Nabha
Nabha was utterly addicted to alcohol and nicotine. Half of his earnings went to liquor and cigarettes. Meanwhile, his wife and four children suffered in poverty. But then Nabha developed a wound in his mouth so painful that it became impossible for him to eat. With the pain intensifying, he made his way to a government hospital. Cancer, they told him. Inoperable. Nabha returned home in shock. Then his daughter got sick. She burned with fever, day after day. Nabha finally shook himself into action and took her to a nearby clinic.
There, Good Shepherd community health workers diagnosed her and provided medications; and she began to improve. But our team didn’t stop there. They began working with Nabha, to help him fight his cancer — and break the bondage of his addictions. The day soon came when he completely stopped smoking and drinking. And for the first time ever, he has hope: he’s praying for healing from cancer. Meanwhile, he’s ministering to other addicts — and by his powerful personal testimony, leading many to freedom.