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Loving God and Neighbor

Building Communities that love God and love their neighbors as themselves

We firmly believe that God uses communities of Indians who love Jesus to share His love across the world. Good Shepherd is a movement based on this principle: reaching out to the needy — with no discrimination on the basis of caste, gender, occupation or ethnicity — offering real relationship with God, spiritual freedom, and full empowerment as members of God’s global family.

The Good Shepherd Movie

We don’t believe geography, culture, or illiteracy should prevent people from learning about how Jesus loves them. In response, our Good Shepherd teams share The Good Shepherd Movie, a production featuring Indian actors, available in 14 major Indian languages. The film is central to all we do: Hundreds of these teams work all throughout India, presenting the film in villages, hospitals and homes.

Leadership Training

Our communities of Indians who love Jesus are led by strong leaders well equipped to share the love of God, help in practical ways those in need, and support others in their personal relationship with Jesus.

Distributing Scripture

We are one of the largest distributors of God’s Word in Asia and have been for more than five decades. Providing and engaging with the Scriptures is among our core values. We distribute complete Bibles in the top vernacular languages, especially in communities where the Scriptures have not been previously available. Bible engagement leads to healthy spiritual growth.

Helping people like Dulari

Dulari was curious about the Christian faith. When she met one of our Good Shepherd teams, it seemed as if they were talking about a close friend when they talked about Jesus.
Curious to learn more about Jesus, she slipped in, alone, and quietly sat in the back for a Good Shepherd community meeting. The more she learned about Jesus, the more she fell in love … until finally, she embraced His love. Dulari’s family and friends were happy to see her living a life of joy and peace.